Book Your Complimentary VIP Session

To talk about your Personal Growth, Professional Growth or how to help your Team to take care of their mental fitness, emotional well-being and thrive.

Please choose a preferred day and time for your Complimentary VIP Session. This is a zoom video call and will take approx. 30 minutes. For more detailed information please see more info below.

Your details and everything you tell me is treated strictly confidential, and will never be shared with third parties.

Booking your Complimentary VIP Session is quick and easy.
  1. Just choose an appointment slot on the day and time that suits you best.
  2. Fill in the required fields, knowing that your contact details will only be used to contact you regarding your appointment. Please use the comment section to give me an idea of what you would like us to work on. (No need for details at this point.)
  3. Click ‘Complete Booking’, and it’s done.

Once you booked your appointment, I will be in touch with a link to our online meeting.

This video call will take 30-40 minutes and is completely free of charge.

It will give us both a chance to get to know one another a little better; for me to understand your issues in greater detail and for us to determine whether we are a good match and ready to work together. If we are, then we will discuss the best way forward and make a plan for the future. If we aren’t, then I’m going to do my best to sign post you to somewhere, where you might be able to get help.

What do you need to participate in the sessions:
  • An open mind – the way NLP or Hypnotherapy works may feel a little strange to start with if you haven’t experienced anything like it before. Just bear with me and believe, it works!!
  • Some level of communication so we can find out where you would like to get to and set your aims.
  • Motivation and determination to make a change! This is very important! The only way I can help you achieve your desired outcome is if you are fully committed. This is something I will determine at your initial consultation.