Mental Fitness Workshops for Teams, Companies and Organisations
- Are your employees or colleagues suffering from stress, overwhelm, anxiety or lack of confidence all of which can affect their performance at work? Would they benefit from practical insight to create a positive impact in their lives and work?
- What would be the impact to your team if they gained insight into how our minds work, how we think, behave and communicate is order to improve their rapport building and communication skills?
- Would you like them to have fool proof ways of setting outcomes which they will actually achieve and set themselves up for success?
Then you are in the right place.
The MindTours™ training workshops are designed to:
- Provide crucial insight into how our mind works, how we can take charge of it and what we can do to make positive changes in our lives. Which in tuns lead to a more positive attitude, creativity and productivity.
- Help Your Team, and the individuals within it, improve their skills, mental fitness and emotional wellbeing which in turns improves their self-esteem and confidence in their own abilities.
- Improve their motivation, proactivity, performance and commitment to doing well at work and in their lives.

Did you know that approximately 1 in 4 people experience problems with their mental health each year? According to Mind, the mental health Charity, 1 in 6 people experiences one of the common mental health issues (such as anxiety and depression) any given week!
And it all can be prevented!
See more information and statistics in FAQs below:
What will be covered?
This programme can cover many topics, from mental fitness and emotional wellbeing through outcome setting to communication and rapport building,
The MindTours™ training programme is bespoke to meet the needs of Your Team.
Our relationship will start with a complementary consultation over zoom which you can book here. On this call we will explore your team’s situation, uncover what would be beneficial and map out a plan for your bespoke programme.
Examples of topics covered:
- It all starts and finishes with You! – the importance of self-care and well-being
- How to cope with stress and overwhelm at the workplace
- The antidote to your Impostor – What is Impostor Syndrome and how can I overcome it?
- What is anxiety and how can I take charge of it?
- I’m not alone! – how to deal with loneliness when working from home
- Is the Person in the mirror friend of foe? – how to change your negative self-talk
- How to turn your limiting beliefs into empowering ones
- Hope is not enough. You need to make a decision and take action. – take charge of your own mind and happiness
- ‘The very best version of me’ – the ultimate confidence and performance boost
- How to build rapport easily and effectively to improve relationships.
- Set yourself up for success! – Fool proof ways of setting goals/outcomes you will actually achieve
- Communication mastery – the power of choosing your words.
- What does your Mind have to do with it? –mindset and habit building for high performance and success
- It’s not my fault! -how to defuse interpersonal conflicts
- What is NLP, coaching and hypnotherapy and how can I benefit from them?
What is the format of the programme?
Should you have any questions or would like further information, please feel free to email me or book a Complimentary Consultation via zoom.
Look forward to hearing from you and guiding your team through insight into how to create an impactful, confident mindset to have a positive impact on themselves, their team and your business.
Frequently Asked Questions
Did you know that approximately 1 in 4 people experience problems with their mental health each year? According to Mind, the mental health Charity, 1 in 6 people experience on if the common mental health issues (such as anxiety and depression) any given week!
Did you know that mental health and self-belief issues are the number one reasons for workplace absences? This includes work related stress, overwhelm and anxiety as well as overwhelm, confidence issues, negative self-talk, feeling inadequate, impostor syndrome, etc.
“Mental health problems are all too common in the workplace and it is the leading causes of sickness absence. A staggering 70 million work days are lost each year due to mental health problems in the UK, costing employers approximately £2.4 billion per year… An essential building block of workplace mental health is the ability to have open, authentic conversations about mental health in the workplace, both individually and on a strategic level. This is more important than ever as we recover from the impact of the pandemic.” – The Mental Health Foundation UK –
Many of these issues can go undetected or overlooked. Even members of your own team may feel the need (whether perceived or true) to hide their negative thoughts and feelings so they could show up as confident, competent and adequate, even if they don’t feel like they are.
Short term, it may serve them and your business, however long term these issues may lead to anxiety, depression, mental breakdown and complete burnout.
Many of these issues, absences, decline in performance and motivation and in turns lost revenue can be easily prevented and overcome.
Regular input from a qualified and skilled professional, like myself, can prevent those from happening.
The ‘From Insight To Impact’ programme can help your employees, colleagues and team to feel better about themselves, increase their confidence, self-worth, self-belief and pick up new and improved skills. Improve their performance, motivation and commitment to their job roles and your company.
It is a matter of recognising the needs of the HUMAN BEINGS behind the professionals working for and with you. And help them become the very best version of themselves. A truly happy and confident person will always perform better, won’t they?
Are your people worth it? Is your business worth it?
Of course. One session will have some positive impact; however, it tends to be temporary. Our conscious mind learns by curiosity and the subconscious mind learns by repetition. Continued practice, insight and check-ins will make a significant difference to our thinking, behaviour and communication. Regular training sessions will also bring the element of trust, create a culture of openness where people feel safe to express their thoughts and feelings with the intention of making positive changes in their work and personal lives.
Therefore, I would highly recommend to consider providing more regular input to your team’s long term mental fitness and emotional stability. The return on your investment into your team therefore your business will be more substantial and long lasting with regular training workshops.
We, as Humans and individuals are all unique. Therefore, our needs will vary from one another too.
Most members of your team will find that the MindTours for Teams™ training workshops are just what they need. And some of them will require some more nurturing and input to improve and maintain their mental fitness long term.
And for those occasions I offer different add-ons:
- Allocated fortnightly or monthly ‘Mental Fitness Clinic hours’ exclusively for your team members over zoom where anyone from your team can book in to have 30-60 minutes one-to-one sessions with me.
- An agreed number of ‘Mental Fitness Maintenance’ sessions for specific
individuals to support them on a one-to-one basis.
In-person training and workshops can be delivered in and around Portsmouth, Southampton, Hampshire as well as Dorset, Wiltshire, Surrey, West Sussex, the Isle of Wight and London.
All trainings can also be delivered online via Zoom.