Live Online Workshops

NLP and Mental Fitness group workshops held online on Zoom
Online Zoom mental fitness workshop by Vanda Varga Training microsoft Teams video call course UK

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

What in the World is that? – NLP demystified!

Have you heard the acronym NLP before and wondered, what are they on about?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming. – WOW! That sounds important, big and serious. But what in the World is it really?

I get asked this question all the time.
So I’ve decided to run a workshop and demystify NLP for You!

This workshop is primarily aimed for people who are interested in NLP as a concept, or would like to know what it actually is and what it will give them, before they sign up to become a practitioner themselves. Are YOU one of them?

And it will also be a great introduction if you are thinking about having some NLP based coaching as a form of improving yourself and would like to find out how NLP works and how it can help You.

NLP isn’t only for coaches and for therapists.

It is a way of looking at the World and experiencing it the best way it serves You.

The things you will learn in these 90 minutes, form part of my Certified NLP Practitioner course.
More specifically parts of ‘The Foundation of Human Experience and Communication’ module. In this we will cover:

  • What is NLP, where does it come from and why do I keep saying that it is absolutely magical?
  • What does NLP do and how it can be useful for You.
  • The communication model of NLP – how and why we see the world differently from others and how can we change things.
  • How to change your performance and emotional state easily and effortlessly
  • Where can NLP be used and how can it help you in your personal and professional life

AND This workshop won’t only help with your learning and growth. It will also contribute to restoring biodiversity and Saving the Planet. For each signup, I will plant 1 tree on Your behalf with JUST ONE TREE.

No prior experience needed for this training session. All you need is a great sense of curiosity, an open mind, and good sense of humour so you can make the most of it. And if you decide that NLP is The Thing for You and you sign up for the Certified NLP Practitioner Training course, the fee of this workshop will be deducted from the course fees.

Find this interesting? Check out my Certified NLP Practitioner course!


Thursday, 18th Jan 2024
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM BST

Thursday, 18th Jan 2024
07:00 PM – 8:30 PM BST


£25 per person

This workshop will be held only if a minimum of 5 participants have signed up, and will have a maximum of 20 per course. If your chosen course/date doesn’t have enough sign-ups, you will be given the option of using any fees already paid for a different course, or get a full refund.

How to set a desirable goal that you will actually achieve!

We all like to set goals for ourselves, don’t we? They help us move forward in life. And some of us are better in achieving those goals than others.

But what makes the difference? Most of the time, it all depends on whether our goal is supported by and aligned with our subconscious mind or not. And if not, no matter how much we ‘try’, we won’t get too far…

In this fun and interactive workshop, we will cover:

  • The difference between the conscious and subconscious mind
  • The subconscious mind’s role in outcome/goal setting
  • Different ways of thinking when it comes to goals and aims
  • How to create goals that are understood by the subconscious mind and are congruent and ultimately successful.
  • You will learn great outcome setting tools for you, and a great tool to help others as well.

No prior experience needed for this training session. All you need is a great sense of curiosity, an open mind, and a good sense of humour so you can make the most of it.

No dates currently available

Watch this space for upcoming workshop dates or sign up for Vanda’s newsletter to get email updates