What is NLP? And how can it change your life?

Vanda Varga nlp master practitioner and trainer, coach, hypnotherapist coaching personal growth, corporate workshop, mental health, mental fitness

by Vanda Varga

A Tour Guide to Your Mind

NLP is pure MAGIC.

Not in a sense, that I can just wave a magic wand around and fix things, make things go away and disappear. Though the impact it has on people does feel like that many times…

NLP is pure magic, because all you need to benefit from it, is a brain, an open mind, and attitude of curiosity towards learning and a want/commitment to change things that no longer serve you.

And once you have all these, NLP is there to support you in making the changes You want to make in Your life.

And once you understand how it works and chose to implement it, it become the most powerful tool you can use to turn your own mind into your own, resident best friend! And that, for me is magical.

I wasn’t always the version of me you know today.

A few years ago, I myself was full of doubt, limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, other self-limitations that made me feel stuck, unhappy and hopeless at times… Don’t get me wrong, I always worked on myself, and believed in Life Long Learning, just like I do today. My attitude was however different and I had a very different, not so bright outlook on life… Let’s just say, I wasn’t really making the most of my life, not even close.

It’s safe to say, NLP has changed my life, for the better. And it continues to do so day after day.

Let me show you how:

I don’t just ‘use’ NLP. I live NLP.

I use the principles of NLP in my personal life, in my business life, in my marketing, in my sales strategy, in my networking, when it comes to my health (mental and physical), in my relationship, in my friendships, when I am a mummy for out little fur-baby, Peky.

I would say, I live The NLP way.

But what is it really?

We say, NLP is a study of structure and a study of excellence. But what does that actually mean?

NLP is basically a study of what works well, and what doesn’t, and how you can make what does work well your own.

It is an attitude of curiosity towards others, towards learning, towards the World. It is an attitude of wanting to know how things can be made better. It is about modelling excellence and bringing out the Best and truest version of You!

NLP is so much more than just a ‘method’.

It’s about being aligned with your own values. About understanding your belief system, and what is empowering or limiting you. It’s about appreciating and celebrating your skills, capabilitiesachievements. It’s about knowing what filters you are using when you view the World and how you can change them if you wish to. It’s about knowing how to grow your confidence, how to serve your purpose in a way that benefits you as well as who you serve. It’s about exploring and improving the quality of your thinking and communication. It’s about giving yourself permission to be You.

NLP isn’t something that you just do once; You take a course, and get the certificate. It is a way of being, seeing and experiencing the world a way that best serves You! The certificate isn’t a licence to stop. It is a licence to start and explore how it works best for You.

What is in it for me?

Let’s be honest. I am a bit nosey. I LOVE seeing and understanding how other people’s minds work. I love exploring their map of the World and how they experience living.

And I LOVE helping You to have less of what you don’t want, what doesn’t serve you. And have a LOT more of what you actually want, help you explore your own map of the world and create the life You desire the way if suits You, while becoming the very best version of You.

And yes, I do the same for me too.

And NLP provides me with the attitude and the user guide to the brain I need, to be able to be the Tour Guide to Your Mind that you need. I get to give you all my knowledge, tools and techniques I have so You can change Your life too, for the better. And You can manage Your own mental fitness long term.

And that’s how I serve my purpose in a way that benefits You and me too.

What else could I ask for?

NLP Practitioner course Southampton, Hampshire

As you can see, NLP isn’t only for coaches and therapists. It is for every day human beings, like You and me. People, like us, who would like to take charge of our own minds, improve our communication, our relationships, our skills, our lives.

Are you intrigued about NLP? Would you like to learn how it works and how it can benefit you and others? Check out my Certified NLP Practitioner Courses.

Or book a complimentary chat for your Personal Growth.

NLP changed my life. Can it change yours?

Much love,

Vanda 🥰🌻